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Temporary Rumble Strips [Price for 3]

American Louver
Regular Price: $989.85
On Sale For: $959.85 ($319.95 / each)

The TrafFix Alert Rumble Strip is a speed calming device designed and intended to be used in low-speed application of 30 mph or less.

Appropriate low speed applications/installations for the Alert Strip are parking lots, low speed city/rural streets, or off highway low speed work zone applications where vehicle speed calming is need for 30 mph or less.

The Alert Rumble Strip is not approved by CalTrans as it is not intended for highspeed highway DOT use.

Trans Supply does not have currently have a high-speed rumble strip within its product line.


These temporary rumble strips alert drivers to temporary work zones, flagger operations, and safety checkpoints. Transportation Supply stocks portable rumble strips that alert drivers to changing road conditions to significantly reduce the major causes of work zone accidents, injuries, and fatalities. More importantly, these temporary portable rumble strips “alert” distracted drivers with sight, sound, and sensation awareness, notifying them of the changing conditions ahead. We also carry traffic cones and traffic drums if needed.

These portable rumble strips are low speed strips and are only meant for 30 to 35 mph speeds max. If you require speed strips for 40+ mph then view our high speed rumble strips.


Temporary Rumble Strips are Easy to Use

The TrafFix Alert assembles quickly and easily, one person can set up multiple portable rumble strips in a very short time without the need for 2"x4" board assistance. With its pliable rubber and jigsaw connectors, the TrafFix Alert can easily connect to portable rumble strips anytime. It can be assembled in-line or offset for additional driver awareness. The bi-directional ramp eliminates the need to align the temporary rumble strips correctly.

A large handle accommodates a gloved hand for balanced carry and drop. The jigsaw ends double as handles for easy positioning and dragging on and off the roadway. One set of 3 temporary rumble strips weighs 72 lbs. versus competitors' 99+ lbs. To remove from the roadway, grab the end and drag. With its molded-in stacking lugs, the TrafFix Alert can be easily stacked in the bed of a truck. These stacking lugs also help to stabilize the rumble strips during transport to and from the job site.


Temporary Rumble Strip Specifications

These portable rumble strips are made of recycled rubber for maximum durability and adherence to the roadway in all weather conditions. Each strip is 46.5" long x 12" wide x 1" height. Three temporary portable rumble strips will accommodate a 12' wide lane. A bidirectional ramp eliminates the orientation of the strip to the roadway. Pliable jigsaw connections on each end of the strip allow for easy connection of one strip to another. Jigsaw connections allow for in-line or staggered connections. Each strip is to weigh no more than 24 lbs. A complete set of three portable temporary rumble strips not to exceed 72 lbs. Each strip is to have a cut-out carrying handle large enough to accommodate a gloved hand. Two stacking lugs on each strip provide easy stacking and stability during transport. These rumble strips are not for speeds above 30-35 mph, so browse our high-speed rumble strips if you’re in the market for those.

Weight: 24lbs, Length: 46.5", Width: 12", Height: 1", Material: Recycled Rubber


Click Here To Download Spec Sheet


Temporary Rumble Strip FAQ


Is It Easy to Pick Up Portable Rumble Strips?

Yes, these portable rumble strips are easily placed and moved since their ends act as handles. They also fold for easier carrying and storage.

Are These Portable Rumble Strips For High Speed?

No, these portable rumble strips are not recommended for speeds above 30 mph. We offer high speed rumble strips that suit higher speeds.

Are Portable Rumble Strips Loud?

These rumble strips are as loud as milled strips and also “alert” drivers with sight and sensation awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions