Frequently Asked Questions
Note: For FAQ's related to products, please check the bottom of the description of that product.Is X product in stock?
Stock varies day by day product by product please either call email or chat us to find current lead time (if any)
I am reselling this product, can I get a resellers discount?
The only discounts we typically give are quantity based. Since our prices are so low across the board, there isn’t much room to lower prices even further. 90% of the time, the price that’s online is the rock bottom price we will sell the product for.
Can I get a shipping quote?
Yes we are happy to quote you on shipping. For the majority of orders, you can add your products to the shopping cart and there is a shipping estimator on the next page. For bigger orders we typically send formal quotes. Contact us here for all quotes.
Can I arrange my own freight?
Yes if you have a freight account we can put it on that account for you.
Can I pick up X product?
Yes all products are available for pickup, contact us to find out where your product is located. Not all products ship from the same location.
Can I pay for this product with a Purchase Order?
We do have some requirements when it comes to a customer paying with a purchase order, please contact us for more info. /div>
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