Trans-Supply Blog – Road & Airport Safety At It's Best

Traffic Safety

Learn about safety as is applies on the road and during road construction.

What’s inside a traffic barrel?

I decided to tackle this one because I saw this a few times being asked on the internet.  First off, it’s good to take a look at the following images to make sure we are talking about the same traffic barrel.  The first image is typically called a traffic barrel where the second is called […]

What exactly are traffic delineators?

If you are reading this you probably are trying to figure out what traffic delineators are because you were asked to purchase some yet have never heard of them before.  Well, the image to the left is one of the more common delineators, it’s basically just a taller traffic cone (typically 42″ versus a 28″ […]

What is Reflective Tape?

Reflective tape is usually used in the traffic safety industry to make the products easier to be seen during the day and night.  The reflective collars as they can be called, are usually at the top of the product and can be seen on traffic cones, traffic barricades and more. I would also like to […]

Be Careful of the Traffic Cones

Crazy night out on the town and you see a traffic cone, what’s going to happen?  Many people will take the cone and run with it on their head for a while, some may even decide  it would be a great addition to their dorm room or apartment.  But not so fast, stealing a traffic […]

Work Zone Awareness Week

It has been a bit since we have posted here so I wanted to touch on some things.  I have been an active Facebook and Google Plus user for quite awhile now and because I ‘like’ a lot of DOT pages I was bombarded with Work Zone Awareness week info which was last week.  It […]

What’s an A-Frame Barricade?

It can be hard to research a product when you don’t even know the various names it has.  For example, lets say you have a project that calls for (200) Plastic A Frame Barricades 8/8×24″ EG 12 Guage Legs.  Most people have no idea what this means.  I’m here to help you understand, you see […]